
Topic: "Giving Way to Anger" (2)
6 out of 1,000 Americans presently stationed at the US Embassy in Baghdad speak Arabic with fluency. You read that correctly, six. Does Frodo have to dwell on the symbolism this single digit represents? The most powerful nation on the small blue planet has sent 1,000 people to its' far side to assist in the attainment of some objectives which virtually none of them can communicate to the people they are assigned to assist. Today, 10 Americans reported to the President that the effort is not successful. Concomitantly, 10 American servicemen also died on this day in Iraq.
This evening, Frodo is very sad. Tomorrow he will be angry, but tonight Frodo is sad. Sad that 25,000 of his fellow Citizens of Middle Earth are identified as casualties more than 1300 days after the effort was identified as "Mission Accomplished." Sad that the hopes and dreams of a better life for people who suffered under tyranny are dashed by anarchy. Sad that resources so important to the health and prosperity of the entire world have been lost, forever.
Frodo cannot help but wonder if George W. Bush realizes that these 79 recommendations are nothing more than a collective "trip to the woodshed" by people with the best of intentions and highest respect for the office of the Leader of the Free World? Sad is Frodo because he knows the answer to his own question.
Tomorrow, Frodo will be angry because six staffmembers of the American Embassy in Baghdad will be very busy communicating the recommendations of ten Americans. Tonight, Frodo is sad because ten more angels are on their way home.
The upshot is, that as Frodo agonizes, George W. Bush has already gone to bed. Sadness will, indeed, give way to anger.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:30 PM EST