
Topic: "No Peanut Left Behind"
Frodo does not trust politicians. Most of them are lawyers. Many of them come from Texas. Occasionally, as opportunistic as they are, some change parties. The Governor of the State of Georgia is a veterinarian from a rural community whose name reminds one of a product used to clean bathrooms, Bon Air. "Sonny" Perdue is the first Republican elected as Governor in over 130 years. "Sonny" was a Democrat until the tides changed.
After Hurricane Rita, and the threat of oil shortages, Governor Perdue announced that he was requesting each school district to close for two days. He reasoned that by taking two "snow days," thereby idling all school buses, the State would save $225,000 each day in diesel fuel costs.
Many parents went ballistic since the announcement came on a Friday, after business hours, and left little opportunity to arrange childcare. President Bush, made aware of the action, applauded the Governor for his "leadership."
It deserves note that SAT scores among public school students in Georgia rank in a tie for dead-last among all States (Only our toothless friends in South Carolina save Georgia from a richly deserved recognition in futility). Additionally, no other State felt compelled to duplicate the aggressive "leadership" of Governor Perdue.
There the story apparently ends. Oh incorrecto, camel breath. Today the Atlanta Journal & Constitution reported that Lobbyists working in behalf of Agricultural interests in rural Georgia participated in conference calls with the Governor and other leaders. As a result of those telephone calls, the decision was made to request the school closings. What the newspaper discovered was that there was a memo of that telephone call. The memo stated that the Agricultural Lobbyists brought up the figure of $225,000 per day of diesel fuel savings, and that it was crucial that potentially scarce diesel fuel should be diverted to farmers about to harvest crops.
The crops, for the unitiated, are peanuts.
Governor Perdue quickly assailed the newspaper as incompetent in their reporting, since the facts are purely coincidental, and that his decision was not to sacrifice the schools for peanuts. The South Georgia farmers do tend to vote Republican however, and it is well known that teacher unions are still composed of ultra-liberal Communists. Interestingly enough, the Agricultural lobbyists, interviewed on local news stated that the idea for the diversion to the peanut farmers was that of the Governor's "people."
As George W. Bush once said about his good friend "Brownie," that is certainly a great job you're doing there Governor. Frodo hopes you haven't forgotten how to remove a splinter from the hoof of a jackass.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 11:56 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, October 7, 2005 12:01 AM EDT