
Topic: "Roger the Dodger"(4)
The Men of Gondor, some of whom are familiar dear reader, include one dubbed as our topic tonight indicates. The Dodger is the youngest of all the members, and is probably the wealthiest. Using his time as if there were a specific limit identified to him once he passed puberty, the Dodger both reads and talks on the telephone while amassing an unbelievable number of miles on a treadmill. He consumes food as if there were a stopwatch in the hands of an observant waiter. His manuvering of an oversized motorcar brings beads of sweat to those who ride with him the first, and only, time. Speed is a part of everything in the life of the Dodger.
His investment advice to professional athletes, successful businessmen, and that scourge of scourges, the wealthy inheritors, yields success ratios far beyond industry standards. Utilizing, as he explained to Frodo, "index funds" based on foreign companies and foreign investments, the Dodger has been able to steer his clients into growth markets of all kinds. Even in the current worldwide turmoil, the Dodger's clients have lost far less than the norm. His own little company is now one of the twenty-five largest investment advisors in the entire US of A.
Given all of this, Frodo would not change places with the Dodger for all of the tea in China.
Listening to him explain the break-up of his first marriage, and the absence of any communication for years with his progeny gives quick insight into the psyche of one driven by time. The Dodger is heartfelt in his affection for the Men of Gondor, for they may actually be the only people who like him for who and what he is, as opposed to what he can provide. The Dodger, to a fault, insists on paying for lunch, admissions, anything associated with the outings of the group. Intrigue is often associated with these payments, since the Men prefer to each pay their own way, but the Dodger feels this is how he can repay the kindness of camaraderie.
The Dodger is intensely intelligent, but his opinions are shaped partially, and often come up incomplete. He believes, for example, that all of the enmity between the Muslim World, and those who appear as their opponents is based only on the status of women. Despite all argument which indicates that such an opinion is partially correct, the Dodger will continue in diatribe regardless of the evidence presented.
Did Frodo mention that the Dodger is originally from Texas?
The Dodger is definitively a reactionary in his political beliefs. Frodo appreciates the value of differing opinions, and has always listened to the Dodger when he speaks, even when he violently disagrees. The discourse between the two is always respectful and engaging. Frodo often speaks with clarity in defense of the Dodger when others mock his proclamations of unabated truth. Not unlike each member of the Men of Gondor, Frodo finds a reason, or two, to enjoy the company of those who just want to break out of the routine for a few hours, and reminisce about past hours spent in a locker room.
Dear readers remember that Frodo had left the Men of Gondor. Frodo's explanation for his return has been that he did not want to lose the opportunity to observe as the Dodger, like a shooting star, flamed out over Planet Earth. It will be a sight to see.