
Topic: "Tuesdays with Nancy"(4)
"So nice of you to join me again this week dearie."
"Well, like, duh, Mrs. Reagan. I mean who wouldn't want to sit down and have tea with, like, the wife of our greatest non-living President?"
"That's so sweet of you to say, and I do enjoy our visits together."
"Y'know Mrs. Reagan, my Mom is plenty jealous. She's all the time, like, making comments about how nobody took an interest in her, and tried to help her along."
"Does she then tell you that she had to walk to school, bare-footed, through snow, and rain?"
"Hah, you got it y'know, like, she didn't even have a fur coat up there in Alaska."
"Well don't you let it bother you. Our little chats will remain our little chats."
"Like in Vegas."
"Yes, dear, just like in Las Vegas. Now tell me, how's your baby this week. Done teething yet?"
"Oh, y'know, the baby's, like, fine, but I'm serious about my Mom, she's a real pain in the butt."
"All Mothers and Daughters have those disagreemets, that's why we're always known as 'Daddy's little girl,' don't you suppose?"
"Yeah, for true, I know, y'know, but, like she's trying to make me into a campaign poster for her."
"How do you mean?"
"Well, see, y'know, like she went ballistic when I told that lawyer with the nose job, y'know, on the interview that abstinence was like, y'know, unrealistic."
"No dear, I don't know."
"Well, like it is y'know."
"Dear, you could've just said 'No.'"
"Well, it was a lot more fun just saying 'Oh."
"What else did your Mother get upset about?"
"She nearly blew a gasket like, when I said that having the baby was my choice, not hers, y'know."
"I suppose that may make it a little difficult for her when the next election comes around."
"Well is that, like, all my fault?"
"No dear, none of that is your fault. You are 18 now."
"Yeah, in only three more years, I'll be able to drink."
"Or shoot wolves from airplanes?"
"I think I'd have to say 'No.'"