
Topic: "Quayle Hunting"
Frodo never really believed that he would truly miss Dan Quayle. Frodo believed that Quayle was a nincompoop, who looked good, and that he was the kind of politician that could be controlled by stronger people with lots of money. He became Vice-President under George H.W. Bush in order to ease him into the Presidency in 2004, upon the conclusion of the second term. Along the way however, it became frightfully clear to everyone that he could not spell "potato."
That is no excuse however for Dick Cheney to go out hunting for Quayle, particularly in the wrong State. Quayle now lives in Prescott, Arizona, so there was little likelihood that Cheney could have "peppered" him with a 28 gauge shotgun from a location near the Armstrong Ranch outside Corpus Christi, Texas.
Frodo believes that Cheney has been associating with America's number one alcoholic far too often over the past five years. Why else, asks Frodo, would he not report the shooting to the local police? The old boy must have had a few too many "longnecks," or he had been sipping from one of the Bush "Jim Beam" leftovers.
"Look," said Frodo, "Cheney is a multi-millionaire, with residual income coming in from the Pre-Emptive War. He is a heart patient himself, so he is likely to be kicking up daisies in just a few years, and he has absolutely no need to have further political interests. He is the antithesis to Dan Quayle. He just doesn't care what anybody thinks."
"Mr. Frodo, what do you think is going to happen?'
"Look son, Cheney will never finish the second term. He'll get canned, or he'll have a heart flutter, or something, and Sauron will appoint somebody to take his place."
"You think, Mr. Frodo, that it'll be a political set-up for the Republican Presidential Standard-Bearer in 2008?"
"Well duh!," said Frodo.
"Who then?"
Frodo just smiled. "That's why Cheney tried to shoot Quayle. They want to make sure he doesn't appear as the most experienced Republican."
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:39 PM EST