Mood: d'oh
Topic: "They're He-ear" (4)
Frodo can sometimes be the contrarian to the complete and absolute consternation of the Fellowship. Frodo, for one, does not want to see the struggle for the Democratic Presidential nomination come to a premature end. In fact, Frodo may be the only Hobbit who, at this moment, wants to see the internecine struggle go all the way to the last possible legal second. Frodo is also confident that when all others consider his reasoning, the process will continue unabated.
There are four good reasons why all of the collective attention in Middle Earth needs to remain transfixed on Hillary and Barack. The four reasons are Anna Nicole, Lindsay, Paris, and Brittany.
Slowly this day, Frodo began to notice references to the late and unlamented on the black-and-white. Now that the nominating process is beginning to lose some of its' "news du jour" luster, it is increasingly probable that the talking heads will now return to that which plagued us all before the Iowa Caucuses. What else, pray tell, can dominate every cable news show that Nancy Grace hasn't already spread-eagled on the operating room table of forensic voyeurism? Frodo fears that soon we will hear that Anna Nicole has been spotted, alive, on the beach at Ipanema.
It was learned today that, aaargggh, Brittany will receive additional court-sponsored time with her children. It will, Frodo predicts, probably mean that the children have now seen their last pair of underpants.
Frodo is frightened of Paris (better dubbed "Moscow Motel Six" by friend Merry) and Lindsay, working in tandem. They might actually miss a turn off Mulholland Drive, and keep going until they run out of gas right in the middle of the Shire. This would be the point at which Frodo would find himself in complete agreement with Lou Dobbs, and require that our borders be secured against improper immigration.
These are not idle fears, dear reader. After all, the most interesting thing about the John McCain campaign is just how much Cindy looks like Paris.
Frodo notices little things like that.