
Topic: "Birthin' No Babies" (3)
Prissy entered Frodo's life in the home town of country music. Strangely enough, she seemed to look the other way whenever Frodo warbled the words of Hank Williams or Johnny Cash. It was as if she had heard all the country music she could stand, and there had to be something more appealing. It was about that time that first she noticed people wearing hats.
Driving along on any downtown street, small town or big city, Prissy seemed to notice black people with floppy hats. In those days floppy hats were the fashion to go along with the defining notes of disco, and Prissy took exception to the dictates of the moment. Sitting alongside Frodo in his motorcar, she would rise up and raise holy havoc with any passer-by who fit her definition of fashionably egregious. Frodo suffered many stares of anger from innocents startled by a combination dachshund and beagle under his titular control. Frodo learned to accelerate from stoplights at a rate which would bring envy to anyone name Earnhardt or Waltrip.
Despite her concern with appearances, Prissy seemed to enjoy the soft and melodic tones of soul music. She would sit upright far back in the passenger-side seat of Frodo's motorcar, and grin ear-to-ear whenever Johnny Mathis or Marvin Gaye told her that they dreamed of her at night. The country girl had found something close to her roots, but different enough to open doors she'd never before considered. Prissy was a lot like America after Elvis came along.
One night Frodo and Sam found Prissy on her side breathing each breath as if it would be the last. Although she was well up in her teens, she'd been in for her physical but a week before, and was pronounced in good shape. Driving his motorcar as if every second counted, Frodo carried Prissy into the emergency facilities of his veterinarian, whom Frodo long ago dubbed "Dr. Two Porsches." The doctor fitst checked her blood and turned to Frodo with an astonished look, saying "Mr. Frodo, your dog is diabetic."
Reminded that her blood had been checked but a week before, and was found normal, the two-leggers merely stared at one another. Then Prissy began to gag. In a matter of seconds she began to throw up the most beautiful purple mixture all over the tile floor of "Dr. Two Porsches." As Sam cuddled the now spent canine, Frodo and the doctor looked at the product on the floor. "Blueberries," he said, "she devoured a ton of blueberries." Sam and Frodo both recalled the disposition of a baked product they had ben unable to finish. The little beggar had made her way into the garbage and devoured the entire pie.
As the relieved family headed home, it was Fats Domino on the radio, and they all joined him in the chorus. Frodo thinks of that little dog to this day, and he remembers how he found that thrill.