Mood: cool
Topic: "Ch-ch-changin'" (4)
Harry Truman, noting the return home of men who fought, men who died, and men forever scarred by war, guided the military forces into an equilibrium. For more than a generation, the rest of American society trailed badly behind the recruitment, training, and development of a multi-racial workforce which followed the American Flag wherever and whenever called. That realization causes Frodo to remember, as well as regret, many of his words directed at those who dared to describe "light at the end of the tunnel," and "Vietnamization." Frodo now recognizes accomplishment amidst stupidity.
This past Monday, more than 100 retired generals and admirals called for repeal of the "Don't ask, don't tell," policy regarding military service. Their joint statement in part stated, "As is the case with Great Britain, Israel and other nations that allow gays and lesbians to serve openly, our service members are professionals who are able to work together effectively despite differences in race, gender, religion, and sexuality." In this case, Frodo had no words to regret, so there was absolutely nothing holding him back from standing up and cheering.
Perhaps, and likely it is, that among the 100 or so retired officers there are a sprinkling of black guys. In any event, it is the military institution itself which leads the way for this, the next generation of national service participation. Frodo realizes that he is very, very proud of all these changes, and of those who help to bring such change to bear.
Frodo would go into battle with these guys any day. The Fellowship of the Ring is much more real today.