
Topic: "Getting Your Wish" (3)
There is an old adage from Bilbo's work, THERE AND BACK AGAIN, in which it is stated that one should watch what what one wishes for, because it just may come to pass. Frodo was delighted to learn that the United States of America is not the only land to face the unintended consequences of its' actions. What surprised him was who and what.
Switzerland, as a non-member of the European Union, entered into an agreement with the EU in order to open her borders to bankers, academics, and business managers. This decision is part of a series of covenants Switzerland agreed to in order to reduce trade barriers. The results have included an increase in the number of people offering sex for money throughout the country. Zurich now estimates that it contains 11 prostitutes per 1,000 people, a rate comparable to that of Amsterdam, long known for its sex trade.
Most of the new workers come from neighboring Germany and France, and the numbers have been so significant that a resulting "deflation" is taking place. The price of a "quickie" has dropped between $24 to $65 from the normal rate of $122 to $203, or so Frodo has been told. Swiss officials, trying to put a positive spin on the situation, note that these accords have resulted in a 0.5 percent boost in the gross domestic product. Frodo has no intention of commenting thereupon.
Opponents of the government have pointed out that this increase has been accompanied by an influx of unskilled workers in the construction and agricultural sectors. "This really hasn't resulted in an intellectual improvement," said Reto Jaeggi, a spokesman for the opposition Swiss People's Party. Doro Winkler, representing an unpronounceable Women's Rights group, argued however that the open border legislation has reduced the instances of illegal trafficking by human smugglers.
Maximilian Kuenzig, a Zurich resident, claims that entire neighborhoods are being abandoned by residents disturbed by the noise.
The noise?
Makes you wonder how the Bush "Guest Worker Program" might turn out, doesn't it? Frodo thinks Dick Cheney should spearhead that program. He looks like he needs a quickie. Ann Coulter, we are told, is available.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:20 PM EST