
Topic: "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" (3)
Getting angry doesn't do anyone any good; as Satchel Paige once said, "it agitates the blood." Frodo is tempted by the Ring from time-to-time however, and he can't help but wish evil thoughts, even on the hopelessly vexed. Former Governor of Massachusetts (or someplace that harbors a college that matriculates idiots known as "legacies") Mitt Romney has gone public with something that makes Frodo's blood stream a bit agitated. It has to do with Romney's five sons, and their service to our country.
Romney said today that his five sons are serving our country by working for his election, in contrast to those who choose to serve our country by joining the military, and putting their sacred life, honor, and fortune on the firing line. Romney had the unmitigated gall, and impudent judgment to compare sacrifices such as PFC Jesus Fonseca, whose funeral Frodo attended, to the children he protects from harm's way.
How does a character like Romney look Senator James Webb (D-Va) in the eye? Romney, even if he is a decent man, will obviously say whatever it takes to get himself nominated. Frodo truly hopes that he does get the Republican nomination for the Presidency. Frodo truly believes that he would not only fail to carry Massachusetts, but he would even lose in Utah. Mike Gravel, for the love of Pete, would even defeat Mitt Romney.
Frodo stops for a moment, and looks away from Mount Doom toward the Black Gate, where so many in arms are gathered. Frodo knows they depend on him and Sam. It gives Frodo the strength to turn upward again, knowing that so many lives depend on the destruction of the Ring. Mitt Romney, because he has no values at all, is an unwitting assistant in the struggle against his fellow Orcs.