
Topic: "No Humor Today"
Frodo was looking forward to learning a little about the Arts today. Instead, he learned how much life imitates Art.
Like a bad movie, which is anything starring Bruce Willis, a very bad person took the sidearm of a courthouse guard, and he killed three people. The Michael Jackson Trial dropped off of CNN for the day. There was no mention of a walk-out by all the Black members of the Georgia State Senate. Georgia Tech's ACC Tournament win has been ignored. It is interview and re-interview with the witnesses, passersby, shocked, and saddened.
The violator is on the run. Frodo hopes they kill him, and he doesn't hurt anyone else. The alternative is years of legal proceedings, and the eventual termination of life by a vengeful State. It is a situation not unlike the rabid dog confronted by Atticus Finch one summer's day in Monroeville, Alabama. Frodo always figured that this was the contrast so vividly drawn by Harper Lee. Atticus acted to end the danger of the rabid dog, as opposed to the legal steps taken to punish his client, the wrongly accused. There is no doubt, there is no question about the danger, there is no presumption of innocence. All of Middle Earth will be better off when the violator is no more. No one was bitten by the mad dog.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 10:43 PM EST