
Topic: "Persons of the Year"
"I just think people should have a right to protest without being harassed and I'm against the war. I don't think it's a war we need to be in."--Fred Mattlage.
For the first time in recorded history Frodo has noted a quotation by a resident of the State of Texas that is neither imbecilic, misguided, nor totally incorrect. Mr. Mattlage, a resident of Crawford, Texas, is the gentleman who made an acre of his private land available for the protestors outside the Bush Compound. All other comments aside, simply put, Frodo says "Thank You." Frodo can't help but wonder where Mattlage is actually from, surely he wasn't born there in Losersville?
Joining the Sheehan Crusade this evening is a lady named Colleen Rowley. If that name sounds vaguely familiar dear reader, try this memory hint. FBI Agent stationed in Phoenix, Arizona, who submitted a report noting that several aliens were taking commercial flying lessons at private locations across the country? Another hint? Well, the subjects included a guy named Zacarias Moussaoui, and all of the classes were taken during the months preceding September 11th, 2001. That's right, that Colleen Rowley!
Colleen Rowley has retired from the FBI, and is an announced candidate for a Congressional Seat in Minnesota, where she is running as a Democrat. Ms. Rowley was one of the TIME Magazine "Persons of the Year 2002."
A Texas farmer and a retired FBI Agent. One might wonder what brings two such diverse people together one summer's night in Texas? Frodo thinks it is the light from a single candle.
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine;
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. . ." Sing the song children!
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:50 PM EDT