
Topic: "Small Businesses-Ha!"(6)
Frodo has been playing a little mind game with himself, nothing sensual, but certainly timely. You can play too, boys and girls, right here in the neighborhood. All you have to do to start is to make a list of people, half a dozen or so would be fine, all of whom you are sure make more than $250,000 annually. Then, you need to determine how many of them meet the definition of a "small businessperson," and who have American citizens in their employ. That's right, what we're doing is testing the Republicant litany that these are the people who would suffer if the "Bush Tax Cuts" were not extended. The premise being that these "small business persons" would have to reduce job growth thus accentuating the decline in our economy.
Frodo 's list is not giving much credence to the minions of Mitch the Marauder. Frodo has identified Lindsay Lohan, Brittany Spears, Rush Limbaugh, Randy Moss, John Smoltz, and John McCain as people he can identify who earn more than $250,000 annually. Unfortunately, Frodo is unable to identify the "small businesses" that any of them sponsor. Hmmm, in these cases, it simply seems that the withholding on their "performances" would be increased, and that there would be no discernible impact on employment. Rather, it seems that many of these people would be contributiung a bit more to reduce the cumulative national debt.
Perhaps, dear reader, it might actually be more helpful to our government if we all simply built a list like Frodo has done, and submit it to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC. After all, it might allow the government to plan better if they recognized that there are a lot of peoiple out there who could pay a whole lot more, and that the argument about hurting "small businesses" is specious, at best.