
Topic: "Picture of Frodo"(5)
The veterinarian of the Shire, who owns two Porsches predominantly due to his professional relationship with Frodo and Sam, first told Frodo that his new dog, named Mick, would be a Wonder Dog. He who is mostly Australian Shepherd, and partially Border Collie, will "leap like Michael Jordan, and run like Michael Johnson" said the purveyor of Porsches. Frodo noted his words, and his envy, but it is the loving eyes and the toothy grin that make Frodo's fingers linger behind both ears for as long as both can stand the attention.
Frodo began to notice breaks in routine when Mick, the Wonder Dog, had his back to Frodo. No matter how loudly Frodo would call, his friend would seemingly ignore him unless they made eye contact. Soon, Sam noted the same, and when the next scheduled visit to Dr. Porsches took place, inquired about testing to see if Mick, the Wonder Dog, was losing his hearing. "Well, we can send him off to Auburn University, pay them $1000, and have them tell us they think he's going deaf," is what the good doctor advised. Unfortunately, he seemed to also have other things on his mind.
Frodo's thirteen year old accomplice seems to have a chemical imbalance which requires greater analysis. Cushing's Disease is a pretty serious kidney problem no matter the placement on the mammalian wing of the evolutionary tree. In order to determine the reason for the chemical imbalance, and to determine treatment for any potential problems, the collection of a sample from the very first daily urination by the subject under study is required. That requires, of course, that Frodo, in the pre-dawn darkness, must place a plastic container under the tweeter of a deaf dog who enjoys spreading his morning relief over six or seven separate locations, but most often on the wild holly bushes in the darkness of the Shire.
Amusing as the mental picture may be, it is serious stuff, and Frodo will stay especially close to his friend on the morrow. It is hard not to dwell on the inevitable, so Mick, the Wonder Dog, looks plaintively at his best friend in the whole world, and is grateful for a few extra minutes of ear scratching.
There is a picture of Frodo and Mick, the Wonder Dog, which is Frodo's favorite picture. It is the one he will some day use to silently mark the passing of his friend in this location on the worldwide marvel. May said picture be a long time comin', for there are holly bushes still unchristened and at least one more spot behind those ears to need a scratchin'.