
Topic: "Roads Scholar" (8)
"Mr. Frodo, is it true that you only played baseball for one year while matriculating at the College of the Shire"?
"That is correct."
"May I ask why?"
"Blame it on Cecil B. Rhodes."
"As in Rhodes Scholarships?"
"Frodo had come to the realization that there had never been a Rhodes Scholar from the College of the Shire, so he decided to give it a try?"
"No kidding?"
"As you know, a Rhodes Scholarship, for study at Oxford, is awarded based on a balance, if you will. Rhodes Scholars excel in the classroom, on the playing fields, in the arts, while exhibiting true leadership potential. Bill Clinton, Bill Bradley, Rachel Maddow, Pete Dawkins, and many other familiar names have all been Rhodes Scholars."
"So, did Frodo win?"
"No, he gave up."
"Well, Frodo had the grades, even achieving straight A's upon occasion, he played on the baseball team, he was elected to the presidency of his fraternity and to the student legislature, he served as editor of the college newspaper, he participated in overseas study in Germany, he received an assistantship for graduate study at Tulane University and he was a genuine BMOC at the College of the Shire."
"So. . ."
"Frodo 'mailed in' his final year, simply because he was convinced that he was about to be drafted into the armed forces, and ordered to Southeast Asia."
"Frodo gave up baseball as well?"
"Frodo figured that if he only had another year or two, he wasn't going to waste his time 'practicing' anything. If he was going to fight in a war he believed to be wrong, or if he decided to leave his homeland forever, then it was going to be on his terms. His arrogance came through loud and clear."
"Looking back now, how does Frodo feel about bailing out?"
Sometimes, on a rainy day, melancholy rises to expectant levels. It is in such a time that Frodo discloses something he never before shared, with anyone. Disappointments, it seems, last forever if we let them, and he misses playing baseball more and more everyday.