
Topic: "Brownie Hawkeye"
Frodo remembers the box-like appearance, and the curving plastic strap extending front to back on the top of his first camera. It was at that moment that Frodo decided to become a professional photographer. This decision was soon superceded by professional baseball, the United States Senate, medicine, guitar, soul music, journalism, teaching, space exploration, fishing, method acting, and poetry. The "Brownie Hawkeye" however remains as the single physical memento of these daydreams of yesteryear.
Frodo attempts to stay one step behind technology. After everyone else has commenced the second phase of a consumer technological innovation, Frodo acquires his first. The digital camera is the latest addition to the playroom of the Hobbit.
Armed with the July, 2005, edition of "Consumer Reports," Frodo entered "Best Buy" with the swagger of one who knew what he wanted, and who required no assistance whatsoever from a lowly salesperson. The all-knowing attendant took note of Frodo's confident demeanor and contained his sly grin at the far end of the counter. Frodo searched for the four highest ranked recommendations in his price range.
It was quickly apparent that Frodo was more than one step behind technology. Each of the recommended "best buys" from July were now out of production and surpassed by new models in this the month of November.
The salesperson swooped, and Frodo was in his talons.
Frodo knows that he should read each and every page of the instruction books, even those in Spanish, but he is unable to break from his time-honored tradition of breaking open the package and immediately beginning to play. It was what he did with the "Brownie Hawkeye," and if it was good enough for Eastman Kodak, then it ought be handled in exactly the same manner today. Frodo knows what the result will be however, and he is already steeling himself for the inevitable "crash" when nothing seems to work as it is supposed.
Frodo also hesitates to ask directions when driving the motorcar. It must be associated with the presence of a penis.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:58 PM EST