Mood: happy
Topic: "High Chair" (2)
Frodo dialed "911" at least three times over the years, for he was convinced that John McCormack was dead. With all due respect, the guy was a walking corpse, and sitting up there listening to all that crap as if he really cared, would be enough to take the measure of anyone. Tip O'Neill, despite all his political wisdom, had a bulbous nose, and he always looked as if he'd had a snoot full before the speech even started. Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert both looked as if they were shifting about in order to surreptitously pass gas. Nancy Pelosi should, by default, tomorrow night, be the prettiest thing to ever sit in that chair behind the President, and beside the (shudder) Vice President.
Frodo sincerely hopes that she not appear in a pants suit, for fear that George W. Bush may become distracted and mistake her for Laura. After all, the speech will begin right about the normal bedtime for the current version of Bonzo.
Further, Frodo recommends that the Speakeress keep her arms crossed throughout the speech, and that she remain seated at all times. Should the President, by some miracle, actually construct an intelligible sentence, which reflects any modicum of rational thought, by merely tweaking her nose (ala "Bewitched") the Members of the House and Senate can proffer polite applause in recognition. Otherwise, the gentlemen of the House and Senate would be in total confusion about when to courteously stand or be seated.
Frankly, Frodo is hoping that Ms. Pelosi tastefully exhibit jewelry. A small gold brick should dangle from her charm bracelet, to symbolize the accomplishments of the recently concluded 109th Congress. A yellow ribbon, over her heart, symbolizing those of us who wait for all our boys to come home. And yes an American Flag, perhaps on a necklace, with diamonds, rubies, and sapphires.
Tomorrow night, Nancy Pelosi will sit where no woman has sat before. You go, girl!
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:25 PM EST