Mood: lyrical
Topic: "Winchester Women (2)"
Forty-Three years ago tonight, when she was thirty years old, Patsy Cline died in an airplane crash in Tennessee. As Frodo contemplates the music and the songstress, his favorite of all her tunes is, eerily, "I Fall to Pieces." Frodo doesn't mean to sound whimsical in his response to the question, it truly is his favorite.
Frodo hesitates to write about something written about so often, for fear that he would come across as patronizing. Frodo has thought often, however, of the similarity between the story of Patsy Cline and that of Buddy Holly. Both killed in plane crashes after terribly short, but productive, musical careers. Both at the forefront of the development of a style, and a sound, which influences creative musicians even today.
Buddy Holly recorded "True Love Ways" with the accompaniment of violins, something never before done in "rock-and-roll." Today, Rod Stewart keeps violinists on stage for live concerts.
Patsy Cline was every American woman coming out of her experiences during the Great War. She lost people very dear to her, but that was the price of victory. Now, with the freedom to take a glass of bourbon and coke with her, she moved on with life, and the search for love. She just couldn't get that boy off her mind 'though, you know the one that wouldn't be coming home.
Had she lived, Frodo is sure that Patsy Cline would've recorded a song about "lookin' for love in all the wrong places. . ." Her songs were lamentations, and they captured heartache.
"Each time I see you with him, I Fall to Pieces. . ."
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:29 PM EST