
Topic: "Moody Blue"(7)
The Yerkes Primate Center at Emory University has seemingly always been in the crosscurrents of ethics and science. The closest living relatives to mankind, including a Hobbit or two so it seems, are the subjects of experimentation aimed at the destruction of disease and the extension of life for those in the higher order. The experiments are painful and grotesque, despite the efforts of those whose motives are clear and clean. Frodo has shed many a tear thinking about whether or not it is the right thing to do. From the promontory of one with time on his hands, Frodo states a willingness to surrender a year or so of his own life, if it meant that his conscience would be cleansed. It goes without saying that the aging process may change that perspective. Frodo acknowledges the potential for true hypocrisy
Interesting it is that a rhesus monkey has, according to local news sources, escaped from the facility and his whereabouts are currently unknown, for want of a better term. Absent in the reporting are any of the queries which first come to mind with such an occurrence. The public is merely warned to call the authorities, and to avoid any contact with the escapee should anyone come into contact with this seeker of freedom.
Frodo takes note of the fact that the subject was reported missing on a Saturday. The following day, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich appeared on "Meet the Press." The performance of the former Speaker was tantamount to one who overindulges on bananas, ice cream, beer, and interestingly enough, jewelry. Several days later, the escapee was sighted near Tiffany's in the trendy Buckhead section of Atlanta. The next day, former Speaker Gingrich clarified his "revolving accounts" to the complete comsternation of Bob Schieffer and anyone who has ever borrowed money for any purpose.
All inferences to conspiracy aside, it had to be entirely coincidental on the day that the custodial staff at the Yerkes Primate Center was chastized for the incident of the missing monkey, former Speaker Gingrich's staff resigned, en masse. The former Speaker it seems had deigned a cruise through the Greek Isles to be far more important than saving the republic.
Frodo notes that the Greek government seems to have had more than a little trouble handling things since. Perhaps it might be to Mr. Papandreaou's benefit to search through a few garbage bins on Santorini or Rhodes in order to locate the trail of the clear link between man and monkey. He should then avoid any contact, and call the authorities. Frodo hopes that Americans exercise equal prudence.