
Topic: "Sperm Count" (3)
The following is a true story. It will make you laugh on even the darkest of days. Frodo's grief is shattered by the laughter of good times, and great friends.
Boromir and Galadriel wanted children. They were young, healthy, and very physical. Try as they might, they kept coming up with pleasure sans results. Boromir was, at the time, a US Navy pilot who taught younger pilots how to fly newer and more sophisticated jets. Boromir was the first warrior known to Frodo who actually landed jets on aircraft carriers (the one feat which Frodo never had any interest in even attempting). The assumption therefore, was that perhaps Galadriel had a problem that was preventing the desired pregnancy.
Galadriel saw her physician and arranged a battery of tests. The results showed that she was normal in every respect, and that there was no physical problem. The corollary was, therefore, that the problem must lie with the super-hero.
Boromir was directed to the local VA Hospital & Clinic for appropriate testing. For those of you who may never have seen such a facility, the waiting area, probably about the size of a basketball court, is where patients were registered then remained sitting until their names were called. What Boromir hadn't counted on was how the testing was to be administered. Wearing his "dress whites," Boromir sat patiently while patients were directed, in turn, for treatment by a rather large and imposing Nurse with a very dark complexion. She would stand up in the middle of the registration area, call the patients name, and the purpose of the visit, probably to ensure proper identification. For example, she might have called "Frodo, eye test."
Imagine the call "Boromir, sperm count." Every head in the place, and there must have been hundreds, turned to the middle of the floor to see who was going to have his bunny whacked. Again, the leviathan screamed "Boromir, sperm count," but still Frodo's friend sat motionless, perhaps playing hard-to-get. "Boromir, sperm count," again she screamed, "Come on now darlin'." By now, Boromir was in a classic re-enactment of de Tar Baby, as he thumbed apparently disinterested through a four-year-old copy of Newsweek. "Boromir, sperm count," she screamed even louder, if possible, drawing the attention of every person within the VA campus, as Boromir strolled inattentively through the door and out of the building.
That evening, Boromir pursued his husbandly duty with renewed determination. Nine months later, the Lady Eowyn was the product of that consummation. Glorfindel followed his sister less than two years later. Boromir explained over mead and ale on hundreds of occasions with Frodo and Sam that there was no better stimulant than the public humiliation avoided by his casual swagger going unidentified out that door. Galadriel always said that it was more like he knew he had to deliver or go back and face that Nurse behind a curtain on a basketball court with the stands jam-packed with cheering fans.
Frodo would've paid the price of admission, and handed out free tickets to ensure a sell-out.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 10:10 PM EDT