
Topic: "Little Big Horn (2)"
If Frodo were to paraphrase Caesar's "Commentaries," he would begin by saying that "All of the Middle East is divided into three parts. . ." Truth is, he would not be far from correct. Today, especially, the setting in this Hornet's Nest revolves around the border conflict separating Israel from Lebanon, the Iran-through-Syria Road to the Mediterranean, and the continuing insurgency in Iraq. What is most troubling to Frodo in this scenario is the fact that 135,000 American troops are right smack dab in the middle of the instability.
Iran may not have a nuclear weapon, yet, but they do have "fissile material." Iran is predominantly Shiite Muslim, as are both Syria and Iraq. The greatest population center in Iraq is the predominantly Sunni area in and around Baghdad. It is also the location of the greatest concentration of American troops. Frodo cannot help but worry about a Shiite suicide bomber, with fissile material, setting his (or her) sights on this concentration of infidels, in the mind of the Shi'ia. There is no greater argument for bringing the American troops home, now. The enemy is crazy, and they have no fear.
Had Frodo walked the Montana Territory in 1876, he probably would have called General George Armstrong Custer something like "George W." They both underestimated their enemy. They never caught sight of the grand scale of their predicament. Good boys died, and nothing good came of it.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:10 PM EDT