
Topic: "Rocks Rox"(8)
Santa Ana, California, is not very far from Camp Pendleton. The passing of Donna Summer was perhaps noted in a truly bizarre manner by a lady walking on the beach, who happened to stop and pick up a few colorful stones and place them in her pants pocket. Suddenly, she was on fire.
Frodo is certainly familiar with hot pants, and he is not so old that he fails to recall the sheer joy involved in the downing of a pair of pants. Especially, hot pants.
Geologists have examined the stones and determined that one was laced with phosphorous, and that the resulting friction with another stone in the pants pocket of the unfortunate surfside stroller lit the rock as if it were, and it certainly was, a match. Fortunately, her husband was nearby and the pants removal was ably performed within the ideological confines of even the Southern Baptist Convention. The bad news is that the lady suffered third-degree burns and is confined to a hospital for at least a week.
Frodo is of two minds. In the first case Frodo notes that no scientist or medical practitioner has stepped forward to note that anything like this has ever happened before. Military officials have also flatly denied that the rock could've been artificially created at their facility. The possibility exists therefore that this lady could truly be, well, hot.
It could also be the case that this is just one more episode in the on-going Republicant "War on Women."