Mood: sad
Topic: "Sometimes Life Sucks"(4)
It must have been tough going down in that B-24, on fire, surviving the crash, but feeling the pustules form all over your back had to make you feel helpless. You got through it though, with a little help from a lot of friends.
It must have been as if life was no longer worth living when she died, your life partner. Two daughters and a loving son, and that unbelievably supportive hometown, were there to bring things back and let you find your way.
Time kept marching on though, and some changes had to be made. You finally agree to move out of the old homeplace, in order to have closer attention. Your sadness is masked by the people who keep coming by, checking on you.
Father's Day is upon you now, and you know that the kids will come together and bring the grandkids. That's the best part, isn't it?
Well "Big Russ," you've certainly been dealt a pair of deuces in this hand, haven't you? Losing your only Son, any child, has to be the cruelest twist of Fate's accomplices.
Frodo is shuffling around in the Gardens of the Shire this evening, and, not unlike Hobbits everywhere, feeling a little bit of self-pity for the disappearance from his black-and-white of someone whom he had never met; yet someone he had come to trust. Frodo would like to tell "Big Russ" that he has every reason to celebrate the days he has had, but outliving your Son is something he cannot reconcile.
Peace, kind Sir. Frodo weeps for you, you are never alone.