
Topic: "Foreclosure Notice" (6)
Frodo, avocationally and as a businessman, always looking to make a buck, goes through a lot of information with nary a look askance. Two pieces of real estate caught his attention this week however, and he fantasized about being the "new" owner. The first is a multi-million dollar mansion on New York's Staten Island, a place that seems anathema to the warm-blooded Hobbit, for sure.
How would you, dear reader, feel about living in the house portrayed in the movie as the home of the Coreleone Family? That's right boys and girls, for a paltry three million, you can begin your own expedition to uncover the remains of Abe Vigoda's character, Tessio. See the very room where Marlon Brando received the pledge of loyalty from Luca Brazzi. Thrill to the spirits of Michael, Tom, Fredo (no relation), and Sonny as they eat pizza and plan for revenge against the other Families. Most of all, find yourself dancing among the tomato vines in the backyard, where the inimitable Don fell that tragic day.
If you act now, you might even also get a Popeil Pocket Fisherman.
The other piece of real estate is almost on the other side of our great nation, and it has been reduced in price almost $100,000 to $69,500 in fairly recent events. The 1.4 acre estate has neither electricity nor plumbing, and the only dwelling is now on display in the Newseum as part of the Smithsonian in Washington. The property is completely fenced, and a prominent display of the acronym "FBI" is observable to the causal passersby.
The "Unabomber" himself pounded on the keys of a typewriter at this location near Lincoln, Montana. Perhaps giving proof to the old saying that if one were to place an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of typewriters together that, eventually, they would produce all of the great books of the world, Ted Kazincsky did his best to prove that not all madness is confined in the Republicant Party. Sometimes there are people who are just plain crazy.
Imagine what you might surmise about anyone acquiring this as an investment? Say, isn't that Newt over there?