
Topic: "Somethin' Borrowed"(5)
Frodo sometimes has a lot to say, but the placement of words into the paperless compositions that confront the ocular seemingly lessen the content of the intent. The result is maddening silence. Occasionally, Frodo will himself be confronted by something so profound in its creation that he, once again, has to stand in silent, maddening, awe. The result is this new trick.
What follows is one entire exact quotation from a book entitled "The Kite Runner." It was the first book written by Khaled Hosseini, although it was his second, read by the Hobbit. For a million reasons, it is a novel you should read, and not try to make into something other than what it is.
The music you hear in the background is the humming of the Hobbit.
"We saw our first Western together, RIO BRAVO, with John Wayne, at the Cinema Park, across the street from my favorite bookstore. I remember begging Baba to take us to Iran so we could meet John Wayne. Baba burst out in gales of his deep-throated laughter--a sound not unlike a truck engine revving up--and, when he could talk again, explained to us the concept of voice dubbing. Hassan and I were stunned. Dazed. John Wayne didn't really speak Farsi and he wasn't Iranian! He was American, just like the friendly, longhaired men and women we always saw hanging around in Kabul, dressed in their tattered, brightly colored shirts. We saw RIO BRAVO three times, but we saw our favorite Western, THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN, thirteen times. With each viewing, we cried at the end when the Mexican kids buried Charles Bronson--who, as it turned out, wasn't Iranian either."