
Topic: "Bush-Bashers Be We (2)"
"What," Frodo asked, "goes through the mind of someone who is failing and can't seem to do anything about it?" "Look at the gallant Braves," he added, "ever since their catcher got hurt, who was leading the league in hitting at the time, the rest of the team has been playing as if they were sleep-walking." "Can you imagine what it must be like for the President of the United States?," he queried, "He gets elected twice, thinks he has a mandate to do whatever he wants, and the whole world is laughing at him. He is a dismal failure and he can't seem to do anything about it."
Gandalf and Sam merely nodded as Frodo proceeded to define his point. "The budget deficit has reached a level almost unconscionable to most Citizens of Middle Earth, and this great leader has not exercised his authority to stop the spending. Not one single veto of one single Bill. It is understandable why so many believe that this is a deceitful plan, a plan to spend so much that soon there won't be enough money to spend on anything other than re-paying the debt and defense. Everything else that government does, including Social Security, will end."
Merry, Pippin, and Legolas listened intently as Frodo talked about Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and his legacy. "It was Roosevelt, Time Magazine"s 'Man of the Century,' who said to his people that it was fear, and fear alone, which was the threat to national survival. Now, the anti-Roosevelt uses fear as the justification for the dimunition of individual liberties." Frodo kicked at the dirt, "And he acts as if it is his divine calling to proceed without the questions, the checks and balances, which more than 200 years of constitutional government guarantee."
Boromir and Galadriel, with lumps in their throats, cheered Frodo on when he came to the Pre-emptive War. "Incredibly, he takes the nation to War on the basis of information that was simply not correct. The troops do not have the gear that they need, yet they fulfill the mission assigned to them. Now, nearly 1500 days later, they are still in harm's way, policing the internecine struggles of this faux nation built by the fiat of George W. Bush." Frodo's face reddened and his heart beat faster and faster. "What galls the most is the fact that the whole effort was based on an academic theorem which had no conceptual proof in the history of mankind. Yet, he hangs on as if he alone is guided by the truth. He does not have the moral courage to even attend a single funeral for the soldiers he sent to this War of choice."
Frodo turned to Gimli, Tom Bombadil, and Treebeard with tears welling in his eyes. "He flaunts the law. He values 'loyalty' above all other characteristics, and he confines his counsel to those who extend him the greatest loyalty. He never hears a dissenting voice, and he never takes the opinions of those outside his immediate sphere of advisers into consideration. Even those who have supported him now distance themselves from many of his proposals." Frodo stared into the heavens, "It is hard to imagine whether there are any persons serving this President who will be immune from prosecution for actions taken in his behalf. They have acted 'above the law,' and time will claim its' victims."
Frodo thought about the ring and the threat that it brings to all the Citizens of Middle Earth. "There are those who defend Saruman by down-playing the harping of those whom they call 'Bush bashers.' I am afraid that Frodo stands here, feeling much as Patrick Henry must have felt when he said "Is Life so dear, or Peace so sweet, as to be purchased by the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God, I know not what course others may take, but as for me, Give me Liberty, or Give me Death.'"
Frodo is a "Bush-basher," and damn proud of it. So say we all, the Fellowship of the Ring.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:59 PM EDT