
Topic: "Satire-Apology to Mick"
Frodo is extremely upset that discord has come to the Shire. Somebody pooped on Sam's carpet.
The dog door is usually always open, and there is no excuse for any resident of the Shire to seek relief indoors. Inclement weather can, however, cause aberrant behavior, and that is a potential factor in the breakdown of order in the Shire. Additionally, the presence of Beau (aka "Beau No") means that the dog door must be closed at night until the newest resident becomes totally oriented to the outside world. Hard evidence indicates that Beau was not a factor in this instance.
What is clear is that a toxic element sat undisturbed in the midst of the Shire. Despite all the disaster planning possible, not a single resident of the Shire was willing to admit any involvement in the crime. Both Frodo and Sam were vocal enough to cause genuine anxiety among their friends and fellow residents.
Mick, the Wonder Dog, stepped out from the crowd, and proposed that he lead an investigation into the successes, and the failures, of disaster planning in the Shire. Mick stated that, "it is important to understand the relationship between officials at local, state, and federal levels," so that proper planning and management can take place in the future.
Fiona, also under purview, suggested that Mick take a look at himself in the mirror. She added, succinctly, that the proposal was "dogshit," and she said "to hell with it."
Funny how life imitates art, isn't it?
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 10:57 PM EDT