
Topic: "Play the Frodo Game"(6)
"Newt and Eddie Cantor."
"Yeah, he's a almost as funny as Newt."
"How about Bush and Palin?"
"Jeb? Bristol?"
"Hah, of course."
"I really like the idea of Newt and Palin."
"I can imagine you would, Barack."
"Hey, it's gotta be Paul's kid and Quayle's kid."
"Oh my God, I think I'm gonna blow cookies."
"Huckleberry and Mitt, all the way."
"Ah man, it's Marco of the Mafia, and DeMint of the Jungle."
"How about Gomer the Homer and Pence?"
"Nah, Pence is gonna run for Governor."
"Let's go feminine, and go for the Maine Gals as a package job."
"You mean a 'Snow Job,' don't you?"
"Guys, gals, it has to be Michelle!."
"And Whom?"
"Hmm. . .a violation of the rules. You need a Veep."
"Well, how about Pawlenty."
"That'd be little better than Rhoda and Carlton the Doorman."
"No, I'm serious about Michelle. Why not pair her with Alan Keyes?"
"A woman and a black guy?"
"Well, maybe Keyes would accept Secretary of State?"
"That's been done before, sort of."
"Let's run her with Boehner."
"I think he'd say 'I had other commitments.'"
"Why not a sports guy or movie guy, say like Steve Largent or Chuck Norris?"
"Brett Favre?"
"Uh, I think not. We've seen enough of him."
"Too bad Angle and O'Donnell lost."
"Isn't there somebody with a name like Turner or Overdrive?"
Anybody know Cheney's phone numbr?"