
Topic: "Black Widow" (3)
Frodo is an admirer of a well-turned ankle. He has also been known to cast a longing look at a shapely set of buttocks, or even those protuberances which give "Hooters" an attraction beyond their medium-rare hamburgers. Frodo also knows what he doesn't like, and that is the subject of the discussion to follow
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has returned to the land she served for two electoral terms. Despite allegations of corruption and political misconduct, she appears before the television cameras "deus ex machina" to speak for democracy amid the martial law invoked by Pervez Musharraf. What Frodo can't seem to comprehend is the fact that she stands in her homeland, before her supporters, apparently speaking to all the Pakistani people, in perfect Harvard-educated English. Since very few of those whom she is apparently addressing have any knowledge whatsoever of the English language, wouldn't it, dear reader, make more sense for her to speak Punjabi?
Perhaps the former Prime Minister is speaking to another audience?
Imelda Marcos once raised the same hairs that are now standing on the nape of friend Frodo's neck. A lavish lifestyle, and thousands of shoes, were the product of a Filipino First Lady who felt that the entire nation existed to serve her wanton needs. Benazir Bhutto, with the finest in fashion from head-to-toe, appeals to those seeking alliances in the struggle for democracy and who also just happen to be among the wealthiest of all interests on our small blue planet. How very convenient that a few appearances "en camera" in English, can be directed to her former "legacy" warriors at Harvard.
Frodo wonders if there are any direct flights from Islamabad to Zurich?
There is an orange hourglass on the bare abdomen of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan. The danger, this time, is not to a single dictator like Musharraf, but to civilized mankind. Frodo met such a creature once before, atop the stairs of Cirith Ungol, and he was fortunate to escape. Will Middle Earth be so fortunate?