
Topic: "Soldier of the Storm(2)"
This is Dog Company on patrol in the Central Highlands. We are near the village of Duc Lap, the date is sometime in September, 1968. Lieutenant Frodo is in command. Our orders are to cut the enemy supply line and to stop the flow of munitions into South Vietnam. This log is maintained by Corporal "Rubber Stamp" Chambliss of Georgia, serving his country, bad knee and all.
"Shotgun" Cheney is on point, mainly because Lieutenant Frodo would rather have him pointing his gun away from the rest of the unit. Most of us feel that Frodo does not trust Cheney, and Cheney is wild enough to do something without having good intelligence.
"Mouth of the South" Gingrich is the radioman. He complains about pulling up the rear, but he is hopelessly out of shape, and at least one of the guys thinks he caught the clap.
"Resurrection" Frist is the Medic. He'd like to be Company Commander someday, but even his best buddies work around him. Frodo keeps him in the middle simply because he knows the guy would get lost on his own.
"Dingy" Hastert is the King of Comedy. He carries the BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle, for all you characters from the "Cut and Run" generation) and keeps everybody laughing. The sad part is that he doesn't realize it.
"Jim Beam" Bush follows "Shotgun" where ever he leads. Nobody knows where he keeps his hooch, but he is the guy nobody wants standing guard after dark. During the monsoon season here (August), he disappears entirely. On patrol, he is best at clearing the trail with a machete (that doesn't require a lot of brain power).
Finally, there is "Mindless" McConnell. He has the grenade launcher. He's from Kentucky, and Frodo thinks he's been banging one of the secretaries who works for President Thieu. It is rumored that she's in labor.
Well, here you have us, volunteers all, who would not shirk from our duty when so many others of our generation got married, went to college, or found maladies that prevented them from doing their duty. No Sir, not men of this caliber, we are not the kind to let somebody else do our fighting. One of these days, who knows, we may be called on to lead our country in other ways? How would it look if we had chickened out?
Lieutenant Frodo would be ashamed of us. Nobody in their right mind would put us into positions of responsibility.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 10:22 PM EDT