
Topic: "Good Cop" (7)
Jack Webb used to say that "only the names have been changed to protect the innocent," and righteous that is for the real people mentioned by Frodo this eve.
She will be 104 years old next week. She lives there with her daughter, who is 83. They have lived in the same house for 53 years.
The day before yesterday, Chase Bank (their real name) directed a moving company and the Fulton County Sheriff to evict the residents of the subject piece of property for failure to satisfy their legal obligation to maintain timely payments on a second mortgage. Two police officers and the moving company arrived simultaneously. Shortly thereafter the moving company employees left, with an empty truck, and the police officers notified their commanding officer of the situation and their reluctance to enforce the legally mandated eviction.
The commanding officer ordered the policemen to "stand down."
The commanding officer arranged for someone in his office to make contact with Chase Bank. Chase Bank subsequently announced that the action was being halted, and that the residents would be allowed to remain in their home, indefinitely.
Chase Bank cleared multiple billions in profits over the past fiscal year. Yet, it took some really good public servants to keep a 103.99 year-old lady in her house, and the police commanding officer asked that his name not be used, since he was doing his job the best way he knew how, and that the publicity served no purpose.
Frodo wonders what "Little Ricky" Perry would say about public employees like that? The property owner said she wasn't worried, she knew that God would not let her down.
Amen Sister, Amen.