
Topic: "Equinox Approaching"(10)
The Gardens of the Shire are nearly always in bloom. Even in the dead of winter the hollies are loaded with fat-rich red berries for robins and cedar wax wings in abundance. Cypress are deep and green for the cardinals who use them for cover as well as afternoon snacking. Soon forsythia and pussy willows will be first to burst, followed by the bulbs of gladiola, tulip, crocus. It is hard to visualize when it is so damn cold outside, even for just a few days. The hobbit dares not go barefoot in mid-February.
Dandy's heritage is Swiss, and his paws are brushy with protective cover. Perhaps he thinks his best friend is truly a pussy, and he softly whines as if in reminder of the joys of the dog park nearby. Sunday it is, and the dog park is populated by owners unskilled in canine management and the inevitable resulting conflicts are preferably avoided by wiser heads who avoid these locations on weekends. Despite a forecast for precipitation, the hobbit will find a convenient time on the morrow to share with Tess and Dandy among their own kind despite the dropping thermometer.
Frodo is planning alterations to the Gardens of the Shire. More sun will offer opportunities for certain annuals; begonias seem to do especially well. River stone will be expanded to cover trails and red mulch will brighten the darkness beneath the leaves of the native plants and trees which intersperse every turn one makes. Again, it is difficult to visualize when the wind chills everything in sight, and Dandy is bored.
Alas, near doggie dinnertime it is, and Frodo's companions are demonstrative. A shame it is that it is just too damn cold, especially when the sky is so blue. Let us hope that the chill breaks early in the A.M. and wish that warmer temperatures won't be so far away.
That is a pretty neat little titular segue says the hobbit. Even if no one is here to appreciate it. It is cold outside, you know.