
Topic: "Elect Jeff Jackson"(10)
Frodo hates cold weather. In that regard he differed little from the entire North Carolina Legislature who chose not to attend the legislative session this past Wednesday due to inclement conditions. That is with the exception of Jeff Jackson (D) who was greeted at the front door by security personnel who informed him that he was the only member to show up. Admittedly, Frodo might have turned around and gone home had he been in Rep. Jackson's place.
Rep. Jackson, a fine looking lad be he, decided to take advantage of the opportunity presented to him. Through several assorted social media channels, Rep. Jackson informed interested parties of the activities of the Legislature, which was him. By voice vote the Legislature endorsed the Medicaid expansion which had failed to pass the Republican filibuster. Rep. Jackson voted "Aye." In fact, the Legislature passed nearly all of the outstanding pieces of legislation by, strangely enough, conclusive votes of one-to-zero.
Yesterday, nearly the entire membership returned to duty. The Republicans were not amused.
Frodo will begin tracking this inspired young man. He thinks there is a place for him on a national ticket, perhaps in 2024.