
Topic: "Strip Searched" (9)
It was very quiet in the bus stop where male students gathered in the early morning hours for burgers and fries. An important man had died this day, representing one more loss on one more day when losses mounted beyond comprehension. Someone asked Frodo what it all meant, and what he felt would happen as a result of events this day.
Frodo said that Washington D.C. would burn. He hoped he was wrong, but he knew he wasn't. In the days that followed, Frodo's father was trapped within the confines of the building where he worked, unable to leave to go home, and not allowed to return. Eventually, he received a special pass allowing him to travel back-and-forth from his place of employment to home. Frodo wishes he had saved that pass, for it would be a marker in history we all, sadly, would like to forget.
The murderer escaped that day and was on the run for many days. When captured, he was extradited to the land that would treat him as an innocent man, until it proved otherwise. This very day Frodo learned something not previously made public knowledge. James Earl Ray was strip-searched and the entire process was filmed, and aired for the first time just a few hours ago. Frodo wasn't shocked by the nudity, he was stunned that nobody even knew of the existence of said data. Why, wonders Frodo?
What, Frodo asks, does it say to us, if not about us, that we keep secrets from one another? The suspicion that guides what we think about the integrity of our system is hurt more by information undisclosed than by all the ills wrought upon us by McCarthy, Hoover, Cheney, and Woodrow Wilson's personal physician.
How sad it is that, despite the suffering we have known, we accept the fact that our elected officials add content to legislation, anonymously. Other elected officials are authorized to prevent specific executive appointments for no stated reason. Potential evidence is hidden for generations or more, and no one asks why. Perhaps the fabled balance of power in our system is nothing more than lack of trust. If this is the case, then someone else's father will some day also require a special pass into our nation's capitol.