
Topic: "Magic Moments"(7)
Over the years, Frodo has developed an affinity for college basketball. The same does not apply to the professional variety, for it seems to interest him almost as much as the latest edition of Harper's might mean to Sarah Palin. It is the concept of the scholar-athlete which rises, for one golden moment this eve, when Duke and North Carolina square off in their nearly perennial battle for the top-spot in the Atlantic Coast Conference. These young men deserve to be there as scholars as well as athletes, and that is what makes the game so very special, at least, to Frodo.
In days past, now so very long ago, Frodo would gather with the gallant Howard, and they would share a common affection for the game, not to ignore a particular favorite in a particular year, but to celebrate the strategy and the performance wrapped around the coaches, the fans in the stands, and those magnificient young men in their flying machines, if you will. Tonight, again, Frodo will cheer and cajole, all the time knowing that his old friend will be there, too.
It is in certain moments that Frodo seems to remember warriors who have fallen in service to Aragorn, and to all of Middle Earth. The gallant Howard, he of two daughters, had great affection for both who shared his easy chairs, but Frodo always knew that there was something extra special in their moments together. Howard's first brought home an English Professor who could define the use of a gerund as well as diagram a sentence with the best of them. A pick at the top of the key and a roll to the net were terms that left him wondering exactly what language was in use. Frodo, ah Frodo, he was there, sitting aside, and hooting with the "Cameron Crazies" whenever an errant Tarheel pass ended up in the stands beyond an apoplectic head coach. The gallant Howard loved them both, but it was Frodo who was "his boy."
Frodo will wake his canine assemblage with his hoots and his hollers, and every once in a while they will snort disapproval. Occasionally, they too will raise an ear to the empty chair and perhaps hear a cheer for magnificent performance without seeing anyone there at all, just knowing. Magic moments, indeed.