
Topic: "Pray for, Gas?" (4)
Several months ago the round mound of unreknown who serves as Governor in the State of Georgia proved beyond all doubt that he was a bombastic clod, when he announced that he would conduct a prayer meeting on the steps of the State Capitol seeking relief from the continuing drought. It did not rain. The drought continues.
Subsequent to the spate of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, suffering has spread into new circles of disfavor by the Almighty. More than 750,000 Americans are still without electric power, for example. What makes this a personal problem for Frodo is that the shutdown of two oil refineries in Texas (where else?) has resulted in an insufficient supply of petrol for motorcars throughout the Southeast. The greed of the Republican-dominated States has been reflected in the "rush" on every gas station in the Carolinas, Florida, Tennessee, and Georgia. There is no gas in virtually any location, and as soon as a tanker arrives at a set of pumps anywhere, long lines of motorcars queue up to hoard all that is made available. Predictions are that it may take up to three weeks to rectify the shortages. Frodo has sufficient petrol in his motorcar to travel exactly 31 miles.
Governor Sonny Perdue has requested a variance from current Federal air quality guidelines in order to bring poor quality, polluting petrol into the pumps. Tonight we learned that his request has been granted.
Perhaps Sonny decided that a prayer meeting on the Capitol steps might not be such a hot idea, given his track record with the Big Guy/Gal (pick one). Frodo however, thinks differently. The gasbag would seem adequately cast as a prayerful requestor for more gas.