
Topic: "Frodo Regrets"
Once upon a time, the Republican National Committee got Frodo's name as a businessman, and they started sending him unsolicited material. These geniuses assumed that all businesspeople are Republicans, and that they naturally would want to contribute to the effort to cut personal taxes, and be damned with the impact on our country and its' people. They made a boo-boo!
One of the solicitations included a pre-addressed, postage paid, envelope. Frodo went into the outbuilding housing his motorcar and found a sturdy box. Inside the box Frodo stacked the bricks he had been accumulating for just such an event. When the box was filled, Frodo neatly taped the box and pasted the pre-addressed, postage paid, envelope on the outside of the box. He then drove to the Postal Office nearby and hand-delivered the package to the appropriate officials in blue.
Strangely enough Frodo did not receive any additional solicitations from the Republican National Committee for many years. That is until George W. Bush sent him a Christmas Card.
Frodo has been laying for the Incomparable Moron, knowing that he will again have an opportunity to heap a little dung on the head of what is truly the worst Presidency in American History. This week, an opportunity passed by Frodo, and he chose not to act.
George W. Bush came to The Shire, and he was the guest of the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, of which Frodo is a member. As a Member, Frodo was offered two tickets to sit in the "whites only" section of applauding neo-cons who sit behind the President and applaud even when he says something totally stupid. You know, dear reader, the kind of event which is strictly controlled so that "the rabble" are not allowed to protest the incompetence, and he ends up speaking only to a choir of like-minded simpletons.
Here was Frodo's opportunity to exhibit public protest, and to probably even get some air time on MSNBC if he were to "moon" George W. Bush. Frodo chose, instead, to write a polite letter to the President of the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, thanking him for the invitation and declining to attend "due to the fact that there is not enough money on the face of our planet to coax me into sharing a podium with the only President who has ever truly hurt our country."
There is a time when Frodo would have "mooned" the Incomparable Moron. If Boromir and Legolas had been with him, they would have shared the same cell with him for at least 48 hours.
Something more appropriate will come our way, because our opponent is bound to do something stupid again, soon.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 3:59 PM EDT