
Topic: "Fair is Fare"(7)
Frodo clearly has his preferences, and they do not include Michelle, Ricky, Mitt, Newt, or Sarah. Frodo, as indicated in his biography, has no love lost for Dick Cheney and his friend Howdy-Doody. Frodo argues that Frodo's opinions are not based on ideology or partisanship, but they reflect his belief in truth, justice, and however one may define the "American Way." Recently however, Frodo has had to admit that he needs to qualify his public utterances, and to place blame where blame belongs when the issue is the continuing and perhaps interminable military conflicts in which we are now engaged.
Barack Obama has not brought about the level of change that Frodo either expected or desired. It is basically true that the "Obama Doctrine" in fact, does not differ significantly from the "Bush Doctrine." The "mainstream media," perhaps being too patient with the President, have provided neither an adequate level of scrutiny nor even a measurable amount of criticism. Frodo truly feels that Obama was stunned, if ill-prepared is a better term then so be it, by the level of support that the present course of action had from the military and advisory staff at his disposal. He found himself, Frodo believes, unable to simply ignore the unity therein and thereby changed his mind from his preconceived assessment that had him withdrawing from Afghanistan ASAP.
Obama's critics can justifiably argue that little has changed from the "surge" mentality of the Bush Administration when it comes to the conduct of the war in Afghanistan. Frodo remains steadfast in his opinion that Bin Laden is dead, and that was a terminus in the conflict. By all accounts, that leaves less than 100 al Qaeda criminals within the geographical delineations of Afghanistan, and the ever-increasing Taliban is the product of torn condoms and drone attacks, that continue unabated.
Frodo will concede that Obama has made an error. He needs to end this military exercise NOW. He needs to get the troops back home NOW.
Frodo believes in the President of the United States. Frodo is not so arrogant as to offer him counsel, but happier will he be when the President remembers the adage given to every test-taker who has ever partaken of academic competition; Go with your first choice.
Herman Cain even makes shitty pizza.