Mood: sad
Topic: "Frances Died Today"(7)
Frodo remembers freckles, and the bare legs of an athlete, visible to her fellow freshman at the College of the Shire. They smiled, and chatted, and it was the beginning of a friendship that lasted from that day until her final one. Frodo will associate every single day he spent or recollected about at the College of the Shire with Frances. They were friends, and that, above all else, is what Frodo laments.
They could have. They would have. They should have.
Frances was the best basketball player of her gender at the College of the Shire. She was always afront of the fast break, and learned quickly how to follow the ball to the boards for a tip-in. When pressured by one bigger and stronger she tried anyway, and got up off the floor with the determination of one who must have had Irish amongst her forebears. Frodo had little patience for Title IX activities, but watching Frances play was worth the price of admission, so Frodo managed to be in the stands unless academics, or alcohol, established other priorities in the maturation of the Hobbit. She always smiled and acknowledged his attendance.
They could have. They would have. They should have.
When the time came to join fraternal organizations, Frodo and Frances pledged to brother-and-sister societies. They hugged each other, knowing that the opportunity for ribald celebration had just been enhanced, and the smiles shone all around. Circumstances, and friendships, pulled them both into temporary affiliations which, at the time, seemed to dictate a certain propriety. Despite their friendship, they never got the chance to run the roads together, alone.
They could have. They would have. They should have.
Frodo recollects one evening, when he stopped in the Student Union after an evening in which he had not yet achieved a comatose state. He rocked all alone in a booth in the back, and bobbed his head to a song on the jukebox, if memories are worthwhile, "Stormy," it was. He noticed Frances and friend Leslie looking at him from across the room and they were smiling and laughing at their "brother," knowing that he was on a non-academic level at moments such as these. On purpose they turned away in their tight pants and exited through the glass doors with "come hither" smiles peeking behind the trailing shoulders. It is a moment and an icon in the soul of the Hobbit.
They could have. They would have. They should have.
Frances married one of Frodo's "brothers." Frodo married one of her "sisters." They were friends every single day, but Frodo, tonight, also wishes that when they could have, and they would have, that they should have.
Adieu Frances, adieu.