
Topic: "Fred's Dead Head" (3)
"Welcome to the Frodo Network and the Forty-Fifth of One Hundred and Eleven scheduled Presidential Candidate Debates. I am Frodo Baggins, your Moderator for this evening's gathering of the Republicans contesting for the nomination of their Party in the 2008 Presidential Election. Gentlemen, you all know the rules, so let's 'start your engines' with the newest member of this entourage, former United States Senator from Tennessee, Fred Thompson. Good evening Sir."
"Good evening Mr. Frodo."
"Senator, the current Administration often speaks of the 'Coalition of the Willing' when discussing the 'War on Terror.' Yet, the facts are painfully clear that the United States provides much more than 95% of all the human, material, and fiscal resources into the conflict in iraq. What countries do you think would rally to assist the United States once you become President?"
"That's an excellent question Mr. Frodo. I would start, as a Christian, seeking to bring representatives of the great religions all together, and involve people of all faiths in the effort. For example, the Holy Roman Empire would give special significance to the struggle."
"The, Holy Roman Empire? Do you mean, like Charlemagne?"
"Of course, you cannot define the conflict as purely religious, or purely secular, you have to combine the two. So I would also seek people of the Islamic faith in democratic countries, say like Yugoslavia, places that are presently not likely to offer their assistance without us requesting it."
"You mean Tito's Yugoslavia?"
"Oh yes, then even more important would be representatives of different races, particularly from Africa."
"Oh, let's say Rhodesia comes quickly to mind. A black African nation would be a very important part of the coalition we'd assemble to fight terrorism."
"You think Rhodesia, along with Yugoslavia, and the Holy Roman Empire, could become an integral part of the pacification of Iraq and the worldwide struggle against terror?"
"Would anyone care to take issue with Senator Thompson on his multi-national, multi-ethnic, multi-religious approach to the struggle for order in the world?"
"I would."
"Representative Tancredo, you have sixty seconds."
"I won't need that long Mr. Frodo. It is painfully clear to the American people that the first thing we need to do is to secure our own borders, before we go signing any more deals. We need to build walls around us first, and then build walls around those on our side, and then we can keep the 'illegals' in their own countries where they belong."
"So you would build a security wall around the United States, and, I presume, Rhodesia and Yugoslavia, and, of course, the Holy Roman Empire?'
"And anybody else who seeks to join in our coalition."
"Do you think Hadrian could handle something of that magnitude."
"Well, if they win the competitive bid, why not?"
"Anybody else? Please."
"Do any of you gentleman play a fiddle?."
"I do."
"Somehow, Governor Huckaby, I'm not surprised."