
Topic: "S'long Sarong (2)"
Frodo has learned that a 7-year-old boy was allowed to enroll at an elementary school in Japan's Hyogo prefecture as a girl. The young boy believes he was born the wrong sex, and he has been diagnosed as having "gender identity disorder." Frodo notes that the appropriate acronym, in English, would be "GID" which probably explains the slang term "giddy," or so Frodo supposes. "Giddy up," an expression often used to commence activity may also carry another, more confusing, aspect given the circumstances.
The young boy's name is listed with the girl students at the school, he attends a girls gym class, and he uses the girls' bathroom. He wears a girl's swimsuit at the school pool. All of these facts, to Frodo, seem so out of character for a social structure that has so little tolerance for those who don't easily conform. In fact, Katsuki Harima, a psychiatrist who specializes in "giddy," said that the decision by school officials seems appropriate, but that it would add to the complications of a young life as he gets older. Harima added that she was unfamiliar with any similar case at the elementary school level.
Frodo thinks a lot these days about people who are different. He remembers part of a song once sung by the Kingston Trio that goes sort of like this: "The whole world is festering with unhappy souls, the French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Poles. Italians hate Yugoslavs, Yugoslavs hate the Dutch, and me, I don't like anybody very much."
Maybe Frodo is just a little too "giddy" over something so serious to a little boy on the other side of the world. It is a big and daunting world when one is only seven years old. Frodo will leave this subject with a little prayer for a little boy, and some empathy. Some burdens are just not easily understood.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 11:06 PM EDT