
Topic: "Gasp, Wheeze (2)"
Frodo has long been an admirer of Michael Crichton, creator of "Jurassic Park," an accomplished author. Nothing has changed, but Frodo thinks that Crichton's most recent work, "State of Fear," stinks. Crichton's strength has always been a devotion to theme, e.g. "Nature Finds a Way," which is the principle giving credence to the fictional explanation for Jurassic Park and the story itself. In "State of Fear," Crichton tries to debunk the entire concept of Global Warming, and he does so to the detriment of his story-telling ability. Frodo, it is said, compared the argumentative dialogue to a George W. Bush Press Conference in defense of the Pre-Emptive War.
Frodo read the book as a piece of fiction, and found it to be the weakest of Crichton's stories. In all due fairness, Frodo adds, he also thinks that Crichton's scientific discourses on the mythology of global warming are bankrupt.
Frodo knows better than to compare the weather of his youth to that of his Hobbithood, especially when long-term scientific documentation is being gathered and analyzed by true scientific theoreticians. However, as a contribution to the cause, Frodo has been working out in his flower beds and pulling weeds. Should you notice, dear reader, an increased difficulty in oxygen absorption, it may be due to the three wheelbarrows full of carbon dioxide-loving plantlife which Frodo has relegated to the trash heap of history.
Crichton argues that glacial retreat and rising sea levels are merely a part of routine epochs of nature, and are not predominant reflections of Man's impact on Planet Earth. Frodo thinks that is pure hooey, and he notes that until the Citizens of Middle Earth began to pull weeds there was a balance in Nature. Now, as more and more baby-boomers reach retirement age, and turn their energies toward plants that produce food, energy, smoke, or flowers the whole environment is under siege. Millions of bald-headed, pot-bellied former Hippies are out there every evening pulling the atmospheric balance into Never-Never Land.
Just think what will happen when the baby-boomers are gone, and there aren't enough weeds being pulled? Generation X will be up their butts in sea water, and freezing in the dark.
Who says there isn't any justice anymore?
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:25 PM EDT