
Topic: "Incomparable Moron" (4)
George W. 'Armstrong Custer' Bush, George W. 'Herbert Hoover' Bush, George W. 'William Henry Harrison' Bush, or, more succinctly, the Incomparable Moron, are each direct past references by Frodo to he who is truly the only President to do harm to our nation. If it is a despicable effort to "stay the course" in the midst of an alien civil war, then the massacre at the Little Big Horn becomes a repeatable act in American history. If it is the expenditure of all current assets in the United States Treasury, then the result will be a government without sufficient capital to defend its citizens. If it is the refusal of he who mislead us to war to attend even one single military funeral, then the words of support for bravery and sacrifice will ring hollow for all time. This, dear reader, is the "legacy" by which this very shallow man seeks to measure himself in the annals of our national experience. He is a moron, simply because he is neither bright enough nor courageous enough to recognize his mistakes.
Frodo is not speaking but to a choir. Tonight he is inspired by what has been written by a truly great journalist, whose point of reference, and whose experience, is on the other side of the table. The co-author of the best-selling book "We Were Soldiers Once. . .and Young," who was embedded with American troops in the earliest days of the Vietnam War, is quoted from his most recent column below. Frodo asks only that each consider what this brave man, who has the eye of a participant, and the soul of one who has seen war, up close and personal, has to say.
"The next time that we Americans start thinking about maybe electing someone with no known talent, limited useful experience, and an IQ that's barely equal to his body temperature, what say we just leave the presidency vacant and the White House shuttered for eight years or so?"--Joseph L. Galloway.
Frodo wishes that these words had been his own. They mirror what he has believed since first he left verbal caricatures upon the hard drive before you, dear reader. It is too much like Pilate to simply have the Hobbit say that he had the wisdom to vote against the Incomparable Moron, twice. He remains angered that there were others, so very many others, that were so foolish as to vote for Custer/ Hoover/ Harrison (pick one), twice.
Frodo wonders what such people must think when they fill their gas tanks these days. Hopefully, they think of something other than themselves. If so, then they are welcome to join the Fellowship, and to help right the wrongs. It will take all of us a very long time.