
Topic: "Dorothy Rose" (4)
It has been a year since the loss of Galadriel. Her only daughter yesterday gave birth to the grand-daughter of whom she had dreamed. It was a joyous, yet stricken, Boromir who called to Samwise with the news.
Galadriel hovered, unseen, smiling, touching the hearts of all those who knew she was in that room. This Frodo truly believes, if nothing else.
Boromir has sold all of his cattle, including the one he named for Sam. His farm is up for sale, and there is another, who waits for Boromir when he is ready. Frodo knows that, soon, Boromir will go to her. That is what Galadriel would want. That is what Boromir needs. Frodo knows Boromir will return often, but there will not be time for old warriors to gather when grandfathers hold angels. The Fellowship will grow that much smaller.
Makes the rest of the news seem kind of unimportant, doesn't it?
Welcome Dorothy Rose, my but you must have your mothers' eyes! Your heart, it is said, will always belong to daddy.