Mood: chillin'
Topic: "A Waisted Day" (5)
Frodo turned on the black-and-white in time to hear the announcers discussing the status of the proposed starting pitcher for the Gallant Braves in their scheduled duel with the Red Stockings from Boston. The young phenom awakened with a scratchy throat and the early symptoms of the flu bug that seems to be disguising itself as either something porcine, or the product of the aedes inhabitants of backyard birdbaths and swimming pools. The discussion being that the young phenom may be too sick to pitch.
Frodo has a scratchy throat. While strolling through the Gardens of the Shire with Fiona and Mick, the Wonder Dog, Frodo felt light-headed, and could not seem to control a cough rising from beneath his breastbone. Frodo certainly did not feel as if he could go a full nine innings.
The regimen that followed included products from many of the major pharmaceutical companies, all of whom are apparently aware of Frodo's support for President Obama's Healthcare Reforms. In the end, Frodo simply sprawled on the couch and watched an entire afternoon's baseball game from start to finish. By his own count Frodo expended approximately 12 calories throughout the day. The rest, he knows, was necessary, but he still feels, if you'll pardon the vernacular, like whipped shit. What makes it worse though is this guilt about letting a day go to waste, and without exercise, to waist.
Frodo, as most know, is an advocate of taking each day and enjoying it to the fullest. Failing to accomplish anything, or to expend absolutely none of his kinetic energy makes Frodo feel as if he has let himself down.
The Gallant Braves, and the rookie phenom, were victorious. Frodo tuned in to the Discovery Channel betweeen innings, and learned that all of Siberia was once a hotbed of volcanic activity, and was truly a "gateway to Hell." Soon, "Law and Order: Criminal Intent" will come on, and Frodo will match wits with either Jeff Goldblum or Vincent Dionoffrio. Thereafter he partakes of the grape kool-aid which calms his cough and knocks him out for the entire night.
Which makes him wonder why he doesn't just drink some of that stuff on nights when he feels fine, but can't seem to fall asleep?