
Topic: "That's the way it is"(5)
6;30 PM, five nights a week, in black-and-white, the student lounge was packed. Hobbits of all shape and size listened to his narrative while they scanned the pictures for friends, themselves. It was generally quiet, although pictures of Westmoreland or McNamara were too much for anyone with a brain, or a heart. Through it all, "the most trusted man in America," reporting the news. When he ended the broadcast, as he did nearly every evening, the throng moved to cafeterias or study carrels, and if the news was bad enough, across the street to a bar. Frodo will never forget that it was in silence that they moved, every single night, as if everyhting that needed to be said had just been said.
Many years later, Frodo was having sweet trout for luncheon with the President of a large German Bank on Peachtree Street, not far from the Shire. While they were talking, Frodo noticed the grey mane enter the restaurant and join a table of acquaintances by the window. "Herr Frodo," said the President of the large German bank, "who is that person?"
"That Sir," said Frodo, "is Walter Cronkite."
"Pardon me Mr. Frodo," but who is this Walter Cronkite?"
Frodo is rarely speechless, but trying to explain just who Walter Cronkite was, to the President of a large German Bank, would be like explaining the game of baseball to Mick, the Wonder Dog.
Frodo simply said, "You see here Sir, the most trusted man in America."
Frodo is not sure if his guest ever understood what Frodo meant, but Frodo sincerely hopes that this evening, wherever he may be, that that President of a large German Bank turns to someone he knows and says, "That was the most trusted man in America."
He went with Frodo to the Moon, and he wiped his eyes with him when the news from Dallas was final. Through it all, he carried the same message, and the Hobbit would walk away in silence, knowing, or searching.