Topic: "Comin' Clean" (5)
The World Series starts tomorrow. The National Football League just completed the 7th of its 16 game regular season, and the New Orleans Saints are undefeated. The Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets lead the Atlantic Coast Conference in football, with weakling Wake Forest next on the dinner plate. The College Basketball season will be starting in a few weeks, with the top Freshman in all the land to grace the court at the "Thriller Dome." Frodo has had a number of distractions, and he, quite frankly, wrapped himself up in the web of Shelob and "vegged out" for a few days. Every once in a while, even a Hobbit needs to shut his mouth and listen to the utterances of others, and if he does so while watching Jonathan Dwyer make touchdowns, then all the better.
Frodo learned that Jean Sasson has completed her latest book on being feminine in the Middle East. This gutsy author, who physically reminds Frodo of Dolly Parton, is not the world's greatest writer, but she exhibits unbelievable courage and creativity in her subject matter. Her new book is written from the actual perspective of the first wife of a man named Osama bin Laden. Frodo is sure he will read the book when opportunity avails itself, but he has already asorbed a great deal from the press releases and Jay Leno. For example, Mrs. bin Laden, who has not seen her husband in almost forty years, is also the first cousin of her husband.
Frodo did not know that they were from Texas (which explains the first cousin relationship for all those dear readers still on drugs or missing that first cup of coffee).
Frodo also learned that the sister of Fidel Castro had been on the payroll of the CIA ever since the first weeks after the overthrow of Cuban Dictator Fulgencio Batista. She alleges that the deal was for information, by one who opposed Communism, and that the CIA promised not to seek to harm either Fidel or Raul on information she shared with them.
Frodo had not been previously aware of a single agreement honored by George H. W. Bush, Stansfield Turner, George Tenet, or any other former Director of the CIA. Frodo vaguely remembers something about an explosive cigar, or was that Monica Lewinsky?
Legolas came to visit Frodo and Sam, accompanied by his companion Elf, and the two ancient warriors plotted their next assault on Mount Doom. That is, until Legolas reverted to childhood and ordered a bowl of chili at a nearby Krystal Drive-in. Frodo supposed that the end was near for his storied friend, and Legolas certainly wished that it were so. Legolas survived however, and has subsequently canceled his scheduled colonoscopy until such time as any remnant settles within his gastrointestinal infrastructure. Stimulus funds will not be required.
Mick, the Wonder Dog, for all those who have asked, awaits the results of tests. He seems to bark more often now, as if he is trying to check his own hearing. He wonders, surely, why Frodo leaves the leash on so much longer when they go afoot beyond the Shire. Like all dogs, he loves the Fall, and watching Frodo rake is one of the greatest of pleasures. Best of all is the game "Drop the Poop," which always takes place in the spot most recently-raked.
Speaking of "Drop the Poop," has anyone noticed that Sarah Palin failed to endorse the Republican Party candidate in the 23rd District of New York? She opted instead for the "Conservative" candidate. Frodo wonders if this is the revival of the Bull Moose Party?
Frodo missed you, too. Tomorrow will be a little more on point.