
Topic: "Twenty to Life" (5)
Foreign policy, healthcare, financial regulations, with so many governmental institutions subject to current reform efforts it seems rather quixotic for the Hobbit to advocate something more. However, Frodo feels that it is an opportune time to address the legal responsibility for the willful practice of, as Steven Colbert has said, "truthiness." Frodo advocates that any individual who knowingly and purposefully fails to tell the truth in any forum which may be broadcast over public airways, either live or on replay, is subject to prosecution.
Now Frodo realizes, dear reader, that this probably means the cessation of all operations by Faux News. It might also mean a lot of vacant air time presently occupied by people with names like Limburger, Orally, Heck, or Vanity. It would not however, eliminate access to those who are merely stupid, e. g. the former occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue who started two wars, doubled the national debt, and nominated Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. It does, after all, behoove us to remember how far we have come in just the past eight months.
The overriding benefit of Frodo's proposed legislation would be to his peace of mind. Presently, the Hobbit goes into a cataleptic fit every time that he sees, or hears, Liz Cheney. Disgusting as it is that a wimp like her Old Man. who has turned tail from every challenge ever placed before him (check "Military Service Records, Former Vice Presidents of the USA"), leaves it to his vocally defiant offspring to defend his legacy, it is indeed patently criminal that anyone would consistently deny documented evidence and broadcast "untruthiness" over the public airwaves. Liz Cheney, for example, has denied that her Father ever verbally linked the late Mr. Saddam Hussein to the conspiracy that produced the events of September 11, 2001. It is hard to believe that she has never seen "Meet the Press," even if it is not produced by Roger Ailes or Rupert Murdock. The "truthiness" thereof is available for repeat viewing on everything from YouTube to Marvel Comics.
Frodo went over the edge yesterday when the corpulent little banshee attacked the presence of the President of the United States at Dover Air Force Base. Even Craphammer and George Won't kept their silence, knowing that all of us were shamed by the perpetual absence of her Father and the sorry excuse of a man whose bedtime came before the planes landed throughout that incompetent Administration. It would be a public service to cast Ms. Cheney Apologista into a cell at Guantanamo for her lack of "truthiness," and to watch the other inmates gag. Frodo imagines that most of them would volunteer to be water-boarded as opposed to listening to another syllable from this round mound of clown.
To quote from "Through the Looking Glass," Frodo says "Off With Her Head!"