Mood: incredulous
Topic: "Frodo and Revere?"(7)
Frodo was pleased to learn from the replay of the "Jimmy Kimmel Show,"available to all who can Google, that he is a part of the segment on American History. According to Michelle Bachmann's revisions, Paul Revere rode through the countryside of New Hampshire, in order to warn Frodo so that he could escape beyond Mount Doom. At least that is what Frodo has been able to interpret before he breaks down amid peals of laughter.
American humor grows in subtlety. Napoleon is also present in a segment, since he would certainly have an interest in anybody from Waterloo and that would include an Accounting graduate of Oral Roberts University who has been trained to never acknowledge an error on her part. She later married a "Christiian Counselor" who has been identified as one who addresses those of the homosexual persuasion as "Barbarians." For those who may not not know, Mr. Michelle is the fat guy with the flat top who "dances" with MABELLE (now AT&T) in those countless re-runs of her recent speech in her hometown.
During that speech, MABELLE noted that her hometown (so close to her heart we are sure) of Waterloo, Iowa, was also the hometown of John Wayne. Surprisingly, THE John Wayne is from another community a couple of hundred miles away. John Wayne GACY, however, one whose notoriety includes the title of "serial killer," lived right up the street from our presidential wannabee.
Methinks the segment should also have included Thomas Paine, in deference to Frodo's friends who once alleged to be Republicants ("These are the times that try men's souls. . ."). By the by, Frodo offers that he is unable to name a single Accountant who has ever been President of anything (except for groups of other Accountants). There is, of course, a reason for that.