
Topic: "Breakin' rules" (7)
Frodo's practice is to never make predictions, particularly when the political variables are so, well, variable. Predictions are a self-fulfilling prophecy for those who combine a point in time with the short-term problems that seem to dominate the dialogue, at least when it comes to politics. Perhaps that is why Frodo has not gone out-of-his-element to offer excuses, or to try to define a grand strategy in behalf of President Barack Obama. He finds himself changing his own mind no less than twice per day as to the absence or the soon-to-be-appearance thereof. Better, he feels, to sit silently and let others pass oral gas.
Rules are meant to be broken however, and Frodo feels like a few lines about the political landscape crafted by him may actually add some value.
Barack Obama is either the weakest leader in the history of mankind or he has developed a long-term strategic plan to establish a national course of action that will extend beyond his second term in the White House. He will either be a one-term President, or he will be recognized as Lincolnesque for generations to come, or maybe Clintonesque if we don't get adequate rainfall in Texas.
Speaking of Texas, Frodo casts credit upon those who have coined the phrase "Read my lips, no new Texans." As Frodo has noted before, 100% of the political figures who have made their way to Washington from the outback of Northern Mexico have been duds, at best. John Connolly remains Frodo's prime example, since the late governor was the only Secretary of the Treasury in the entire history of our great land to declare personal bankruptcy. Note that "Little Ricky" is running a $27B deficit, and has been described by political consultants to his own party as being almost as adept at forming complicated thoughts as a chimpanzee attempting to open a locked piece of baggage.
Frodo was struck this past week by the interview of former President Carter by Rachel Maddow. He raised his eyebrows when he heard Carter say that the loss of support from that part of the American electorate which happened to be Jewish was the reason for his defeat by Ronald Reagan. Considering that there are a whole bunch of people in New York right now, who are doing their darndest to force the US of A into an untenable position between the Israelis and the Palestinians, there is sufficient reason for progressives/liberals/rational citizens (pick one) to be alarmed. There is however the saving grace of our buddy "Little Ricky" who has organized his thoughts as only he can in order to brand the President with the "appeasement" word he happened to discover when playing Scrabble with Bonzo at the Dallas Zoo.
The point, dear reader, is that there is more than a year to go before lines form outside government buildings not already shuttered in order to balance budgets. Despite the unease, nay, the worry, that afflicts so many, the stock market DJI numbers reflect a gain of more than 5000 points since Obama took office. There is no Henry Paulson out there to seek the end of judicial review. GM is selling cars. Frodo hasn't seen a pothole in the last 90 days or so.
Frodo is full of hope. He is also laughing his ass off at Sarah trying to avoid conversations about Glen Rice (anybody wanna bet that Todd has a little winkie?). What is it they say Sarah, "Once you go black. . .?"